Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Tweaking my blogger and not loving it, yet.

I don't know if you noticed that I changed the look on my blog. I am not loving it, yet. It doesn’t match my style. Does it matter? I am trying to put back the original picture of the pinup lady in the polka dot dress that I had before. I tried all day yesterday tweaking my blog.

 I even went to the library and got me a few books on how to create an amazing blog. It was a bit useful but a little outdated. They were published in 2010. It's a fast changing in social media networks.

My laptop is almost six years old and it’s not a fast speeding as it used to be. I need to get a new laptop or desktop computer, but my bank account is not ready for a new one. So, I can’t afford one and I hope that it will last another year. Fingers crossed. I have a little patience when it runs slow or freeze.  I wish there was an "IT" member in the family to help me out. So bear with me while I’m tweaking from now until I am satisfied with my blog’s new looks.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

I am a makeup junkie!!!

I fell in love with makeup as early at age 5 or so. I remembered watching my mother applying her makeup in the bathroom. I would sit and stare at her while she applied her eyeshadow and black liquid eyeliner to make a perfect cat’s eye.  I couldn’t wait to grow up and be able to apply makeup on me. While I had to wait to grow up, I would sneak and apply my oldest sister’s real makeup when she’s not home. I didn’t like the kid’s makeup because it’s were fake. My godsister and I would apply each other and then removed them before my sister get home. I guess she knew I had applied it because her eyeshadow would crumple into dust powder and her lipstick would be smash or fall off when you open by twisting it. Speaking of my godsister, she is now a professional makeup artist. I guess she’ll have to thank me for allow her to use my big sister! Wink wink! 

My first full makeup was when I had my quinceanera aka sweet fifteen party.  As soon I turned fifteen, I start apply my makeup to school. I felt so grown up.  I have a picture  but I can't find it. OMG, I had two full of purple eyeshoadow and a bad hair! Now looking back, I am laughing. I didn’t continue to apply that much and I learn to apply better.   I assumed that my oldest daughter will follow my footstep. I was wrong, she took a different direction. She likes to apply soft and light makeup. That’s a good start but she doesn’t apply it everyday like I do. I would not go without my makeup at work. The only time that I don’t apply it when I am real sick or not feeling "pretty".  On most weekend I don’t have my makeup when I am home and on my day off. I must apply my makeup whenever I go out because without it, I feel naked.  When I must go very lightly makeup, it would be black or brown eyeliner, mascara, blush and lip gloss.   When I must wear a very heavy makeup, it would be when I am performing on the stage.  Bright or vibrant colors, thick eyeliner, fake big eyelashes and red lipstick. Like this one.

My STAGE makeup for Mexcian Folkorica.

I have to admit that I am a makeup junkie! Whenever I see a new eyeshadow palette, eyeliner, lipstick or a case of makeup, I would buy it and no matter how many I have at home. I still need more. I have work makeup bag that I carry to work to apply it.  I apply it my desk when I arrive because I am too tired to apply at home when I wake up at 4:30 in the morning. 

My youngest like to play and I would let her play around with my makeup only at home. She wears makeup only when she performs on the stage for her recital and Mexican folklorica.

One last thing, I am not comfortable apply makeup on other people’s.  I rather apply on my daughters or myself. Remember, I am not a professional makeup artist.  My godsister is great one! She hasn't applied on me since childhood and I think she owe me because I introduced the makeup in the first place, don't you think?  ;)

My WORK makeup bag.

Love my makeup!!!

More makeup in my drawer!!!

My Sephora makeup case for convenient storage and travel. And more makeup! 

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

A new critter addition to the family

We went to the pet store just to get the dry foods for our cats. We came home with dry foods, wet foods, cat’s toy, catnip, cat’s elf hat and a dwarf hamster.  Yes, a real live dwarf hamster. My youngest child bought it with her money that she had been saving since Christmas. She bought food, bedding stuff, hamster cage with toys.  She told me she is very serious and want to take responsible for her pet.  My first thought was our cats. Our cats love window sightseeing and they get excited when they see birds, squirrels, chipmunks, and anything that is small and it moves.  This is not our first hamster. Our oldest daughter had a hamster named, Cheese. May he rest in peace. Tragedy, he was mystery escaped and found dead at the bedroom doorstep in the morning. I don’t know if it was a gift from our beloved cat, Pumpkin.   I told her you are responsible to keep the cage clean, fill up the food and water and so on. She was trying to name her hamster. She came up Dopey as one of the Snow White and seven dwarfs.  Before she made the final name, I suggested her, Whisker.  She loves it but decided to name it, Dopey. We have to observe our cats, Smudge and Dash to not attack the cage. They are behaving well but need to keep eyes on them to accept Dopey as a family member not a target victim. Let’s hope they will love each other.
Dopey, welcome to the family.

The extreme challenge habitat or cage.

There is Dopey munching on his food.

Welcome Dopey!!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Am I raising a college vampire at home?

Am I raising a college vampire at home?

No, not that glitter pale skin like Edward from the Twilight. I was thinking more like The Lost Boys move in the late 80’s.  It reminded me when Michael sleeps all day and stay up all night. He thought he drank a bottle of wine but it was blood.  He was half vampire. I love this movie especially these two Corey. I think I will tune in to see this movie on the weekend. Anyway back to the topic...

 We just drop off our college girl to her dorm after being home for winter breaks of 5 weeks.  These five weeks she was home with us, she slept in late like a vampire and sucking whatever in the fridge.  I hope that long break had fueled her to get ready for the second semester. She had excelled in her first semester and received a dean letter to congratulate. She had mature and changed a bit since her first semester. What do I mean by that? She had spent more time with us and getting closer than she had in her last four years in high school.  I had told her that her high school was her second home because she spent more time there than at home.  What did she really do in five weeks? Like I said, she slept in late until 1 or 2pm. She stayed up late at night. She lounged in the family room and was glued on Netflix. She munches on anything she finds in the kitchen. Oh yea, spent a lots of time on her iPhone. Texting, listening to music and who know what else she got on her phone. Now that's all over except for texting, of course. Time to hit the books!!!

It’s her first year of college and her second semester. We are very proud of her commitment to her study. We support her and be there for her whenever she needs us. Believe it or not, her school is only less than seven miles or about 15 minutes away from home.
Can’t wait to see her soon but it could be tomorrow! Check the old post I on her milestone in her school years. http://www.blogger.com/blogger.g?blogID=6993015913767187201#editor/target=post;postID=7167592317972702874

Go Terps!!!


Friday, January 18, 2013

I suck on Galaxy Samsung tablet

Mr. Gr8tone aka my hubby's nickname,  he got a Galaxy Samsung tablet on black friday on a good sale. I wasn't too thrill because it's not iPad. I guess that what haapen when you own an iPhone. My kid love it!  They play it for hours. About few week I wanrt to learn how to use or I thought it would be lije my iPhone but bigger screen. Cool and light. But I am still not doing okay with this tablet. I AM trying to type for my blog. I am already frustrasted! I have to stop my post here. I keep losing my cursor. Do you have iPad or tablet?  I need a dummy book for using tablet so I can get better.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

The confession of Girl Scout cookies.

There are eight flavors. It's only stay for short time. It's pricey than your cup of Starbucks.  It's impossible to eat just one. You need more than a box. 

The Girl Scout cookies are back! You know what's that means?  You will be seeing cute girl in their uniform knocking at your door or will be showing up at your local grocery waving you to buy one or more.  How can you resist them?  Can you name all the cookies? I'll help you. They are Savannah Smiles, Trefoils, Do-Si-Dos, Samoas, Dulce de Leche, Thank U Berry Munch, Tagalongs and Thin Mints. (These cookies are selling in the Nation's Capital area)

Some of you may be excited!!! Yay, my favorite cookies are here. I will buy one box, no I will take two and then wait a minute, how much is it each box? Four bucks? Okay then you remember, oh I am on my diet and I must only take one box. But then few weeks later, your cookie show up and you finish the whole box after you ditch your diet didn't last that long since your made your new year resolution. Then you go on the hunt to find the cookie booth sale that is selling at your grocery store or you get in touch with the girl you bought from or the cookie mom.

Or are you that person that is not so excited about the Girl Scout cookie. Do you open the door when Girl Scout comes to your door knocking with their big smile on their face and ask you if you want to buy cookie from her? And their face expression said "Please buy one or whole box" and it's so hard for you to say, "No, thank you".  Or is there a Girl Scout Mom or Dad at your workplace and hand you the Girl Scout cookie order to buy the cookie.  Or is it that annoying when you see the girl scouts at your local grocery and asking you for the second time when you had already purchased on your first arrival? Please remember that each girl has time slot and may not be there when you first came and has already arrive after you went into the store.

Or do you ever feel that you think you are obligate to buy one because her mother/father bought something from your child's fundraiser in the past? So you buy something then we are even. Or sometime you bought worth of $30 from that child's fundraiser and they only bought one box of cookie from your child.  I think this is silly but I tried not to take it seriously, I just let it go.

Let me tell you, I am the Girl Scout mom of two girls. Twice I had helped my daughters to achieve her goal by selling the cookies. What does this means? It's a cookie sale rewards. This is where I dread to find out what's her goal.  From the lowest to the highest prize depend how many cookies she had sold.  The lowest prize is 12 packages and the highest prize is 1,000 packages.  As always, my girls will tell me I want that prize that we need to sell 1,000 cookies. I want to laugh at her face (I knew that wouldn't be the right way) but I told my girls that it too high to reach that goal. We should start small goal and goes up gradually until the end of the cookie sale. My first girl had always been the top seller in her troop for four years in a row. The highest she had sold was 300 plus. She retired from Girl Scout. I am glad that both of my girls are not Girl Scout at the same time. My second girl had been the top seller for four year and her highest was 200 plus but the last one, she came in second place, she was so devastated. I could not believe she felt that way. I told her it's all about learning how to be sell cookies and gain confident not where you are placed at. Yea, it's great to feel number one but it's not always that way in real life. Do your best. It's a great learning experience to get in touch with people by meeting in person, calling on phone, sending email and how to get people to buy more. It's also help for the troop to gain some profit. Girls develop 5 skills through participation in GS product sale program. 1) Goal Setting 2) Decision-Making 3) Money Management 4) People Skills and 5) Business Ethics. This year, she is in her fifth year as Junior and her goal is to get 150 packages by the first initial date. Both of my girls are lucky to have parents work in the office.  I am known as the Cookie Mom, Popcorn Mom for boy scout, the Master Fundraiser, Queen Fundraiser and the list goes on. There was the time, I had to compete with another cookie parents in the office. Should I call myself the Pimp Cookie? My attitude was like, this is my turf and you are stepping in! I didn't need to tell them that because my co-workers are very loyal and they always buy it from my child. At that time, I didn't know I had to compete because this mom confronted me and asked me, "Are you the cookie mom?" I said, "Yes". She said, " Oh, no wonder! I am not getting many packages order and I even put out cookie samples next to the cookie order and they sure ate it!"  I may not be able to get many packages from my office. We’ll see how it goes. Where I work the office staffs are getting small or under staffs.  Some folks has left. One of the best customers who used to order 24 packages of Samoas but had retired. L Wish her the best on her retirement journey. All these years I helped my daughters getting her goal achieved and hauled 100 boxes to my work and getting into the building is not easy and even worst carrying them on the metro subway. I would have to carry few boxes every single day to deliver to my office. The hard part is collecting money, I hate dealing with money because I don't like to be responsible and carry over hundreds dollars in my house. I would take it to the bank or to the cookie leader to deposit it.
Since I don't have a vest but I have my own cap! I even added patches on it.

My confession as Girl Scout mom and cookie mom:
1) I love it because I never was a girl scout as a child. My father even bought me the entire brownie uniform from head to toe because I asked for it. Never once went to Girl Scout meeting. We had no clue what girl scout was. I must have thought it was fashion and even wore it to school once! How embarrassing!
2) I live through my daughter's experiences as a Daisy, Brownie and Junior.
3) I love watching them earning their try-it patches and I sew or iron their patches on their vest.
4) I love being cookie mom because I feel so VIP!!!
5) But I hate the job description. It's a full time job and so stressful especially when collecting a lots of money from the entire troop. I get paranoid that my home will be robbed one day!
6) I get excited when I go to the Girl Scout shop to buy patches for my girls! (Estoy loca? )
7) I resigned as cookie mom to give other parents an opportunity, so obviously the troop leader end up taking since no one step up.  I am temping to go back but my hubby said, "No". I guess I was stressing him for three years

Remember if you wish not to buy a cookie, you may opt to donate to the troop's Gift of Caring. You can ask them who they select the charity or the organization. Its tax deductible, ask for the slip after you donate.

The cookie sale last for three to four months.  It's not too late to get your cookies, so if you are in my area and wish to get cookie from my child, inbox me if you got my contact info or send me a comment in here. Or if you are so far away from here, check out the girl Scout website to locate the cookie sale.

Have a Happy Cookie!

My first girl as a brownie girl.

Daisy girl for two years

Brownie girl for two years.

Going door to door.
Cookie booth sale.

First year as a Junior

Which cookie do you like?

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Not so good mood on subway

Three years ago, I traded in my parking permit for a transit benefit that I use my daily commute on Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA) metro subway. I drove 15 miles both way to work and home for 13 years because I like to be in control when I get in my vehicle. When my youngest child got into elementary school age and no longer need a babysitter or after-school care. I did not need to rush home to pick her up.  She has her older sibling to go to school and home together. Gas was expensive to afford (and it still is today). I decided to save money to use for grocery and save miles on my vehicle. So, it was the hardest thing to give up my parking permit and getting in new transportation commute to work. It not the first time I use the metro subway, it was hard to get up much earlier and be on time to catch the metro bus to metro subway . It's been three years since and I enjoy the peace of mind and not having to keep my eyes on the roads. I was able to read books and checking on my blackberry then and iPhone as well. The commute in the morning only takes me to work about 50 minutes and my afternoon commute about an hour and half.  

My reason why I am posting this because I have a new record for this morning commute to work was one hour and 10 minutes being on the same red train subway that I takes and that doesn't included my second subway to transfer to work.  I sat there and kept hearing the speaker talking but I can't understand a word said. I have hearing-loss so I just assumed another delayed for few minutes but each stop the train just sat there with the door open for 5 to 10 minutes. I had 8 stops to go. At one stop, we had to get off the train to wait for the next train to get on.  There was no snow or power outrage or whatever was but to find out later there was some problem with switchboard that need to repaired. While I at that stop, we waited for 20 minutes and I was thinking, I should get on the other side to take the train back home. So, that when I realized I should go the other side and go backward and get off one of the station to transfer another train to work. So I did that. When I got off to that station, it was packed and swarming to the escaltor to downstiars to another train.  By the time I got to the bottom, I saw a train was there and I rain and jump into the train before the door closed. Then I realized I didn't look to see which train I was on, so I asked the other passengers which train I am on. Oh thanks goodness!I was on the right train and we were all like sardines and the ride was not so bad. 

I am sure there other rider may have worse than my commute. So it took me 2 hours and 5 mins to get to work. What a record! 

We are the second-busiest rapid transit system in the United States in number of passenger trips, after the New York City Subway.  I knew NYC subway has a lots of trains. Check out other subway across United States.  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_United_States_rapid_transit_systems_by_ridership

WMATA may not be the perfect transit system. I have seen all kind of problems with the system such as slow train, not so many trains during the rush hours, dirty train, broken escalators or elevators, a crazy passenger fell on the track, or all trains hold up because someone left an unattended bag/briefcase until it get check out before the train resume in business, fare has increased and it goes on. And I still take the subway.

Here are some pictures while on subway.

Waiting at the platform for the train. This is one of these day when it's not crowded during rush hour.

Here the Red Line Metro train.

A view while on the train.

A veiw of outisde of Washington DC.

My 3 minutes ride on escalator from bottom to top.

Looking down on the escalator.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Oop, I forgot to post...how many pass can I miss?

Yes, I forgot to post yesterday.   So maybe I can't do 365 posts. So, I think I should allow myself a break, how many times?  Maybe 12 to 15? But who’s counting! I promise to write something good to post on my blog. 

Sunday, January 13, 2013

No post today.

Sorry, I can't do a post tonight, I got a headache. I have many ideas to write but tonight I can't do it. I need an aspirin and cold pack for my head. Time to hit my pillow.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

My new reader glasses

My first reader glasses. Now, I do not have the perfect 20/20 vision. I have noticed since last year that I couldn't read anything too close or the words would be blurry. I would have to keep distance about 14 inches away so I can read. I have a new collection to add in my purse. So what you think?

Friday, January 11, 2013

Double slumber party

I found out last night at dinner that both of my daughers who's in first year of college (currently at home on winter break) and a 4th grader are having a sleepover at our house tonight! Okay,who approved this, I asked?  They said nothing and I look at my husband and he said, sure why not? Alright, my oldest daughter did mentioned to me last week so I forgot and the youngest decided to do it at the last minute. I have no problem but it just took me by surprised My mind is running like crazy, we need to clean up here and there. Must go to the grocery to get the food and drink for snack, dinner and breakfast. I don't know why I freaked out, my youngest only has one friend and the oldest got four friends who are grown-up. Maybe, I thought the slumber party was going turn into wild party but it might get loud in the middle of the night. I remembered my days back then, don't you? Laughing, talking, eating, staying up late, and watching scary or dumb movie and making prank calls!

So far they are having fun!

Sorry no picture available.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Wacky socks

It's not my pair of sock. At least my feet are warm and cute! I feel like a kid. I don't think my kids noticed me wearing it.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Mi camista fea! (my ugly shirt)

You see this t-shirt? I know it's old, got many holes, and ugly but it's always clean.It's not a homeless shirt!  It was a shirt given to me by my cousins as a souvenir many years ago. Here my confession, it's my favorite t-shirt and I won't throw it out, yet. Because it so soft and gentle on my skin. I sleep in it, I wear it during my exercise and I only wear it at home!  Maybe secretly I wear it under my jacket when I go out to grocery store! I hope you will never catch me wearing this one. LOL!!  In time, one of these hole will get big and bigger. Then I will have to say good! Maybe I can use  it as my blinky?
I love my camista fea! Do you have any ugly shirt or pant or something?

My Carlos froggies t-shirt( La fea camista). Don't worry, I got a sport bra on so no accident expose.

Tiny holes on my right shoulder.

More holes and much bigger on my short sleeve.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Mexican Chocolate Oatmeal Muffins

While I was home not feeling good and I was in the mood for sweet but healthy. Luckly, I found this post from the blogger, Unknown Mami. She shared a recipe that caught my attention, Mexican Chocolate Oatmeal Muffins. That sound yummy and healthy and I went straight to the indgredients hoping I have everything I need without steppping out of the house. Bingo, I got everything. I waste no time and went into my kitchen to whip it up.  I love the Nestle Abuelita chocolate powder.  I was excited that it came in powder and much easier than the chocolate disc. The chocolate disc, you would have to melt it with hot water or milk but it takes time to melllllllt. Sometime, I would grate it and ended up with band-aids. Not a pretty sight.  They are my favorite hot chocolate I drink during the winter or whenever I crave for it.  So, I finally made the muffins and I love it.  The whole family like it, too. I was hoping more for me but that's okay.  I can't eat all this by myself but I ate four uffins and they are not giant as Costco Muffins!  I hope you will try it and here the reciepe I got from Unknown Mami. http://www.unknownmami.com/2013/01/mexican-chocolate-oatmeal-muffins.html

Mexican Chocolate Oatmeal Muffins

Monday, January 7, 2013

All Christmas tree and decorations are down.

We had a wonderful christmas holiday and few pretty snowflakes before it turned into rain later on. I putted up the christmas decorations up since a week after Thanksgiving. I enjoyed the christmas tree light up the room and it's like glowing the room. It's  not so dark and cold.

Here our Christmas tree back in the corner. It was also my youngest's birthday party as you can see on the table.

We are not the only one love the Christmas tree.  Our two mischiefs cats, Smudge and Dash love sleeping under the christmas tree. Sometime, when we look for them and can't find them, they are usually under the christmas tree. Their new hiding spot.

Dash sleeping on christmas tree skirt.  I was pulling the skirt but it was stuck and found him sleeping on it.
Smudge under the Christmas tree. He was happy.

Christmas tree is gone. I felt so bad and put a box there where the tree used to be.

Now I am looking foward to have a great new year to start and more room after I packed all the christmas stuffs. Also I can't wait for the next christmas because I bought more christmas lights, decorations and gift wrapping I bought after christmas at half price and 90 percent off, too.

I think he forgave me. I am glad he like the box.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Feliz Dia de Los Reyes Magos!

Feliz Dia de Los Reyes Magos! (or Three Kings Day)

My family started to celebrate The Three Kings by keeping our christmas tree and decorations up until January 6th every years. This is 12 days after Christmas. We started to put a bowl of water and some grass for the hungry camels. Then they would leaves some treats or gifts behind for my kids. (we didn't leave any treats for them but we are buying them a lunch!)

Check out a wonderful craft idea by Evettes Rios http://evetterios.com/01/02/celebrate-3-kings-day-the-12th-day-of-christmas/. I think we will mak this water bowl for next year.

Our figurines of Los Reyes Magos.
My first time I celebrated de los reyes magos when I was in Mexico on my winter break from college. My cousins and friends were putting the party together and they bought a rosca de reyes, a sweet bread ring with a little figurine of the baby Jesus.  When they told me there are three little figurine of the baby Jesus in the bread, I was worrying about getting choke on it.  I asked them how do I know if I have one in my slice? They told me that everyone will take turn to cut a slice of the bread, when three people get the baby Jesus will have to prepare the next party on February 2nd, Dia de la Candelaria (http://gomexico.about.com/od/festivalsholidays/p/dia_candelaria.htm).  So I ended up getting the baby Jesus.  You can't miss the baby Jesus in your slice.  Unfortunely, I was not there for the next event becaue I had to return to the States for school.  I found a reciepe to make the Rosca de Reyes from Evette Rios.  I was planning to make one for my family but I didn't have the time. I hope I can make one next year.  http://evetterios.com/2012/?p=302

Either tonight or tomorrow, I am not looking foward to pack but I will be glad to have more space in my home.

Have a Happy Three Kings day! 

Rosca De Reyes pan (Sweet bread king)

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Picture of the day

Tonight my youngest daughter and I baked cupcakes from the holiday mix. It was hot chocolate with marshmallow frosting. It even included marshmallow bites in the mixture. Not bad.

Friday, January 4, 2013

A zit at my age?

When I woke up and saw a zit on my face. I was frowning and said, You are late, I am not a teenager! Don't touch it and don't pop it. When I was at work, I was looking at my zit how red it is and looks like it was going to pop. I thought of putting old remedy using Vick's ( yes that chest rubbing) or toothpaste, or lemon or whatever I have in my bathroom medicine cabinet tonight. But in few hours I started to rub then picking then it got popped. Darn! But relief at the same time. It's funny because I tell my teenager kids not to touch and pop it. They listen to me but I don't listen to my own advice! Here my late zit.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

3rd post

I don't I want to break my new year's resolution. It's only been three days. I don't have much to say here. Why am I even posting a blog when I don't have many followers? I better tell my friends to follow me and how do I gain followers from? I'm no expert in how to create and set up on my blogger. I'm learning as I go by posting and seeing bother other blogger. Excuse my typo in this post, in typing from my iPhone.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Today was the first day back to work and school.  I am a little sleepy. Getting back into normalcy routine was not that easy except for my husband. He only had time off from work on the holidays.  I was off since I clocked out at 4:30 pm on Dec 21st. I was off for 11 days that included weekends.  It was a mini vacation and I get to spend time with my kids. We were like a pig family. All we did eat and sleep. I must have gained 10 pounds during this time. I cooked a lot of an authentic Mexican foods on the holiday. (i made enchildades, tamales, and tres leches cake). Anyway, back to "normalcy" routine and getting to sleep on time for a good night sleep.  Last night, I probabaly only slept about 3 to 4 hours because my youngest child couldn't fall asleep. Ok, my little fault, I allow her to stay up a bit late. We were watching the new season, Dance Moms show and it was the first episode and it was over an hour than the usual.  After the show, she had been wide awake in the dark.  I was so tired and I snuggled into her bed to help her to fell asellp but I must have  fallen asleep before her. (yes I did, feeling so guilty) Believe me, I fought to stay awake so she could fell asleep first but my eyes beat her. I did recalled that I last checked the clock, it was about 12:30 am and I knew it was around 1 or so, I could feel the bed she was tossing and turning. I did everything, I stroked her hair, lightly scratched her back, rubbed her arms, hugged her, gave her apple juice instead of warm milk ( she hate warm milk and I don't know where she got that from ) and I teased her I will punch you to get you knocked out, and asked her if she was legal age to take a tequila shot.  We didn't even bother to count sheep. I remembered I asked her before I fell asleep, what was the best thng she had enjoyed in 2012 and to think about it and let me know.  So, off I went to zzz-land and hoping for big snowstorm in the morning! Of course that doesn't happened. Then I hate this part when you wake up before the alarm goes off, and you got more time to sleep, so you fall right back to sleep then the alarm went off in few minutes! Noo!!
Two more days of work and school then it's weekend!

My first day back to work and taking subway home.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

My new year's resolution

Every year we make a new year's resolution. Some don't last long and few had stick to their commitment. I know I could never stick to my resolution. It used to be a long list and I would never keep it up. My list used to be to lose weight, do more exercise, eat healthy, be a better mother to my kids and get a new job for more money.  I stop doing new resolution several years ago and start doing diet whenever and exercise whenver and never have to feel guilty.  So I thought about doing my resolution for 2013. It would be one and hope not too difficult.  I decide to do a blog for 365 days. So I do not have to write very long, share my thought and maybe do a picture of the day. I admire and enjoy other bloggers. I have to warn you that I am not a best writer and if you a reader that get an itch when there are some of my mistake and my sentence is all wrong, please excused my writing skill. My english class was not the best and which is why I avoid writing. I better stop here because I don't like to write too long. I wish you all have a wonderful happy new year. I hope that this year will brings my family happiness and joyful!